8 Key Data You Should Know Before You Hire – Infographic
“Many small business owners are focusing too much on selecting applicants primarily based on their hard skills,” explains Patrick Valtin. If you’re looking for job candidates with specific skills and experience, you could be making a big mistake. According to a Leadership IQ study, almost half of new hires fail within 18 months. Just 11 percent of those failures are due to a lack of hard skills; the rest stem from a lack of soft skills.
Dan Ariely – professor at Duke University – found that the common answer has to do with the internal state of the person. (1) The reality is that the decisions people often choose to make are influenced by the environment in which they are placed.
If you are looking to hire good sales people, you have to be willing to fight. But more importantly, you need to understand what will lead a good sales rep to want to know more about your company… and consider to visit you for an interview.
Per the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, employee theft accounts for $50 billion in annual losses for businesses. In fact, 33% of bankruptcies are caused by employee theft. Per the Harvard Business Review, the most successful companies are more engaged in talent acquisition, because they are aware that as much as 80% of employee turnover is due to bad hiring decisions.

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