As a first reason for growing difficulties, HBR cites the lack of internal recruitment, which went from 90% in the seventies, down to 28% today. The instability or lack of loyalty amongst employees has made internal hiring a more challenging issue. Lack of leadership is probably to blame in the back of that, but few CEO’s want to recognize it. The famous slogan “People don’t quit their job, they quit their boss” has apparently never been so true as it is today.
Knowing that over 90% of job seekers actually have a job and are passively looking for a better opportunity, the key marketing question in your search for good people is: what do you need to do to attract them (not just find them)? Hence, the necessity of developing an effective employer branding strategy.
Only 6% of newly hired sales reps exceed their employers’ expectations, while 48% will fail. The ensuing turnover for the average sales team runs at 34%, leading to finger-pointing as to the cause of failure.
"Every dollar invested in sales training returned $29 in incremental revenues, while
continuous training gives 50% higher net sales per employee" – The Brevet Group
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